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Bsides Hannover 2017

Bsides Hannover 2017

In March 2017 I visited Hannover in Germany for the Security BSides conference. My first Bsides. I had the opportunity to present one of my favourite subjects, how security can help business grow. The venue was nice, and the presentations were very interesting and some of them eye-opening. Overall I really enjoyed the conference; the setup and organisation was very good and all the participants were friendly. That helped having interesting discussions; always useful if you are eager to learn more things and see other peoples' perspectives.

Geneva Motor Show 2017

Geneva Motor Show 2017

This year I happened to be in Geneva for a business trip when the International Motor Show was on. I understand it's a big thing in the car industry, and although I'm not too much into cars, and I was quite busy not only for work, but also preparing my presentation for Bsides Hannover 2017 I decided to go.

One of the reasons that I went, is that people I care about, like my brother and my son, would enjoy seeing pictures. The result is that not only I went, but I even managed to take some pictures that may not be totally worthless (my photography skills are literally non-existent, in case you didn't know that already).

Goal: meet my brother

Goal: meet my brother

In general I am a very efficient and organized person. Slightly OCD most probably, I want things to be organized; my pictures in the same dimensions, the folders categorized evenly. My drawers have my stuff clearly seperated. Most of the time...

Physical problems in a virtual world

Physical problems in a virtual world

We live in a European Union that is highly connected. One of the benefits of being European is that you can travel and even relocate in any of the EU countries. Actually, people are migrating from one country to the other all the time; sometimes without even knowing the official language of the destination country. That happened to me when I moved from Greece to Czech Republic. I did not (and still do not) speak Czech, but I relied on my English and I was ready to deal with any physical person not speaking English.

GDPR: Unintended consequences

GDPR: Unintended consequences

I attended recently a very interesting event called "Deconstructing GDPR for Business Value Creation" organized by HPE in Prague. The presentations from Duncan Brown (IDC) and David Kemp (HPE) were extremely interesting.