Board Governance
As a security executive, I often find myself troubled about the lack of cyber risk understanding in companys' executive management. I may be wrong, but apparently not very much. Lately, the voices for the need of proper cyber security risk governance at the board level are getting louder, and are coming from multiple sources; including the US Security and Exchanges Committee.
I believe that the time has come to take cyber risk governance seriously, and I am now considering to join advisory and supervisory boards that need this kind of expertise. This, of course, is not my only skill. I have a very deep understanding of finances, (non-cyber) risk management and marketing; at least deep enough for the board level.
I enjoy learning, and I believe that if one is stepping up to new challenges, one should make sure that some preparation is in place. As always, I started with studying and decided to learn about Mastering Board Governance, attending an online course by one of the best Business Management schools in the world, the International Institute for Management Development.
After the completion of the course, the simulations and the positive feedback I received from my fellow simulated-board members and the teaching staff, I feel ready for the new challenge: adressing and governing cyber risk at the board level.