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Building up a SOC - the candidate challenge

Building up a SOC - the candidate challenge

Building a Security Operations Center from scratch is not an easy thing. But since it's not the first time I'm doing it, I am familiar with the challenges. These challenges include the building of the processes in a company-adjusted manner, the selection of the toolset and integrations to match the company's enterprise architecture, network architecture and of course my own security architecture, but nowadays, and due to the significant skill shortage in cybersecurity the major challenge is finding the right people.

Physical problems in a virtual world

Physical problems in a virtual world

We live in a European Union that is highly connected. One of the benefits of being European is that you can travel and even relocate in any of the EU countries. Actually, people are migrating from one country to the other all the time; sometimes without even knowing the official language of the destination country. That happened to me when I moved from Greece to Czech Republic. I did not (and still do not) speak Czech, but I relied on my English and I was ready to deal with any physical person not speaking English.