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The problem with compromised software

The problem with compromised software

As everybody probably knows by now, CCleaner was compromised and malicious individuals added multi-stage malware payload on it. A typical case of compromised software if you ask me, pretty much like the one with the Ukrainian tax software that spread Not-Petya. But there is a different aspect to why compromised software is very dangerous, and it actually uses (believe it or not) social engineering in a more advanced way.

Don't you want my money?

Don't you want my money?

I remember reading that Game of Thrones was the most downloaded series in 2016. It's a pity; I'm sure that everybody needs and wants and deserves to get paid if they're doing a good job. I won't pretend to be a saint, but let's just say that if a series is available in the country where I live, in English, with English subtitles, I am more than happy to pay to watch it.

Biometrics vs Passwords

Biometrics vs Passwords

Biometrics is supposed to be the ultimate solution for access control. It is also supposed to be the best replacement for passwords, not only from the security perspective, but also from the user-friendliness perspective. People don't have to cope with the strange (and inefficient) password rules that security used to push down their throats. So all is wonderful, and we should all be using biometrics now, right?

Books or movies

Books or movies

When I was younger I used to read many books. So many that I would get lost in them. I was reading everything, depending on my age; from colorful comics, to Ivanhoe by Walter Scott, to almost everything written by Jules Verne, to Alexandre Dumas and the count of Monte Cristo, to some Robin Hood, to Victor Hugo and Les Miserables, to John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath, to Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. Of course the Greeks that were considered classics for my generation: Stratis Mirivilis, Alexandros Papadiamantis, and (again) almost everything written by Nikos Kazantzakis.

I still remember my mother chasing me, and me hiding these books inside the covers of the school books; something that did not really help my grades so much...