SSL certificate revocation gotchas
As you may have heard, Let's Encrypt revoked several certificates today that were issued through a faulty process. Read on for the details, and on how to identify the revoked certificates themselves.
As you may have heard, Let's Encrypt revoked several certificates today that were issued through a faulty process. Read on for the details, and on how to identify the revoked certificates themselves.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak there are lots of voices saying that we shouldn't care so much - especially if we haven't vaccinated for the flu which shows a lack of diligence on our side.
That could not be more wrong! People who say that understand ZERO about risk management, and since my social bubble is mostly security and risk management people, I find that very alarming.
Let me explain:
I often get into discussions about budgets and how much a company should invest in its security program. There is no easy answer because the problem we are trying to solve has many unknowns.
There are many ways one may address this question, the main one being a rule of thumb.
Indeed I know I haven't posted for long. It's not that I don't have anything to say, but I'm trying to find a balance between posting something about things I know, and making sure the readers do not necessarily assume that this is how we do things in SUSE.
Getting there...
Some years ago, during a (quite extended) phishing avalanche in the company I was at the time, the (then) CIO said: Let's fire every user that falls for a phishing mail! That will solve the problem for good. I considered it a joke, and I replied pretty much with a rhyme: Let's train them before we blame them and I didn't give it a second throught. We went on to deploy some training modules, but never really implemented the technical controls on the mail server; an activity that if had been implemented, several of those phishing mails would never have entered the company. I think that this is not strictly a user failure and I'm inclined to blame the IT deparment more than the user.
Chances are you are familiar with the phenomenon called Game of Thrones. I expect that everybody who watches the series has a perspective and a preference on the person they wish to sit in the Iron Throne. But let's be honest; only science can forecast the outcome!