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Oracle Wallets for credential storage

Oracle Wallets for credential storage

If you're developing for the web (or something else) and you need to connect to an Oracle database, such as an Oracle Autonomous Database that comes for free with oracle cloud free tier, you may run to the typical problem of storing db connection credentials in configuration files and scripts. Nevertheless, Oracle has, since ages, a functionality called Oracle Wallet that can help you manage these connections more securely. Keep in mind that Oracle migrates away from Wallets, but my understanding is that this is a response to usability concerns, as the security standard is not maintained in the new set-up.

A leader uses DNS to educate

A leader uses DNS to educate

Once upon a time I spent a total of 4 hours (over three days) in meetings, stating that I will definitely not approve a security exception. At least, not until someone demonstrates that the exception requested, removes the root cause or is a valid workaround.

Asking my home to play music

Asking my home to play music

Don't you love open source and the capabilities it provides? My constant tinkering of my home automation has no end! The latest improvement is asking the system to play my favorite music. And I remembered that the advanced capabilities of using Rhasspy with Home Assistant with as little code as possible is not clear to everybody. So here is an explanation of how this works, and how I leveraged these capabilities to satisfy my music needs.

NUC and Zigbee and USB

NUC and Zigbee and USB

My Home Assistant was misbehaving lately and I could not figure out why. It did take me time, effort, a lot of cursing, troubleshooting and head scratching, and eventually it was solved by the typical "this can NOT be the problem, but there is nothing else to try!" approach!

A trip to "Hrad Kost"

A trip to "Hrad Kost"

Hrad Kost is the local (Czech) name of the Kost Castle, one of the best preserved medieval castles and one of the major tourist attractions in Czechia. As the rest of the world, Czechia is in lockdown at the moment, so the castle is not open for visits.