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A trip to Manhattan

A trip to Manhattan

  • 2 minutes to read
  • Monday, 11th of December 2023

It is good to have some days left over from the annual vacation, and this time I had three days to use in December. An excellent opportunity to explore a new place.

Who wants a Pilsner?

Who wants a Pilsner?

As an expatriate, not only I can live this wonderful city, but I also have the chance to see all the touristy attractions, especially out of season. Recently I saw an advertisement for the Pilsner Urquell Experience. A wonderful opportunity to visit, especially since my brother and one of his friends happened to be around. Extra fun, since the friend is a university professor in food chemistry.

Board Governance

Board Governance

As a security executive, I often find myself troubled about the lack of cyber risk understanding in companys' executive management. I may be wrong, but apparently not very much. Lately, the voices for the need of proper cyber security risk governance at the board level are getting louder, and are coming from multiple sources; including the US Security and Exchanges Committee.

Elements of AI

Elements of AI

Since ChatGPT went public on November 30, 2022, the world seems to have changed. My LinkedIn timeline was flooded with posts about ChatGPT and its applications. As is usually the case with new things, the timeline was also flooded with self-proclaimed experts. It looks like everybody is focusing on prompting though, which, although quite useful, puts you in the "user" seat. Well, I was never too much of a user.

A trip to Adršpach Rocks

A trip to Adršpach Rocks

My partner and I went to the Adršpach Rocks in October of last year. She never fails to pick fantastic destinations for quick getaways, most of which require at least a little bit of trekking. In this case, the rule held true.