Reviving a broken laptop
What do you do when your laptop breaks? If you're like me, you try to find a way to give it a second life. You either replace the broken parts, or, some times, you just imagine other ways to repurpose the laptop.
What do you do when your laptop breaks? If you're like me, you try to find a way to give it a second life. You either replace the broken parts, or, some times, you just imagine other ways to repurpose the laptop.
I often have multiple virtual machines for different purposes. Some I keep idle, some I destroy and recreate when needed, and some I use for actual work and they stay there forever.
Recently I ran out of space. It was not really bad planning on my side, I just didn't have more space to allocate at the moment. I got a new disk to dedicate just to VMs. The new disk is faster but it's not very big; if I'm not careful I will run out of space again.
I decided to move some virtual machines; just the ones that have a GUI. The server based ones that are not interactive can stay in the old and slightly slower disk.
Some months ago I bought a desktop system. I hadn't had one for years, but a very strange and unexpected need came up; I wanted to play games with my son who lives in Greece, in an attempt to spend a bit more time with him, even virtually. I bought and built a desktop system based on AMD's excellent Ryzen line, but that's for another time. On that computer, and as it would be used predominantly for games, I installed MS Windows. That is another thing that hadn't happened in my household for decades!
GDPR is supposed to let us take back control of our private data. In reality though many websites either don't allow that to happen through their selection of cookies, or constantly present to us the same requests until we accept the most invasive option. At the same time there is a known security risk related to every day broswing: browser - served malware, sometimes caused or enabled by the insane amount of 3rd party uncontrolled scripts that are served to us on the websites we visit. We need to find ways to browse securely and protecting our privacy as much as possible.