Auditing AI systems
My journey with Machine Learning and AI started back in 2017; my first article about AI in this blog was in 2019. And I believe that Governance is of utmost importance in many things, AI being one of them.
My journey with Machine Learning and AI started back in 2017; my first article about AI in this blog was in 2019. And I believe that Governance is of utmost importance in many things, AI being one of them.
OpenAI's ChatGPT, changed the landscape of AI for good. Not that we did not have AI applications until then, and not that we did not have Large Language Models. NVidia was there 6 years ago!
As the year comes to an end, I feel like a reflection is needed. 2023 was quite a ride. I planned to have this reflection on LinkedIn, but the Prague shooting on the 21st of December made me limit my social media presence and exposure at this time, out of respect for the victims.
Since ChatGPT went public on November 30, 2022, the world seems to have changed. My LinkedIn timeline was flooded with posts about ChatGPT and its applications. As is usually the case with new things, the timeline was also flooded with self-proclaimed experts. It looks like everybody is focusing on prompting though, which, although quite useful, puts you in the "user" seat. Well, I was never too much of a user.
I am a huge fan of automation; I strongly believe that automation, machine learning and / or artificial intelligence (whatever these terms mean for different people) are our best chance to tackle one of the biggest problems we have in the cyber security industry: the human limitations.
On Thursday, the 31st of May I was invited to participate in a panel discussing artificial intelligence and machine learning. The event, Geneva Information Security Day 2018, was organized by High Tech Bridge. If you don't already know High Tech Bridge, it's a Geneva - based security company which constantly gets awards and recognition for their AI technology. Just this week, High-Tech Bridge's ImmuniWeb was named the Winner in "Best usage of Machine Learning / AI" category at SC Awards Europe 2018.