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Board Governance

Board Governance

As a security executive, I often find myself troubled about the lack of cyber risk understanding in companys' executive management. I may be wrong, but apparently not very much. Lately, the voices for the need of proper cyber security risk governance at the board level are getting louder, and are coming from multiple sources; including the US Security and Exchanges Committee.

Elements of AI

Elements of AI

Since ChatGPT went public on November 30, 2022, the world seems to have changed. My LinkedIn timeline was flooded with posts about ChatGPT and its applications. As is usually the case with new things, the timeline was also flooded with self-proclaimed experts. It looks like everybody is focusing on prompting though, which, although quite useful, puts you in the "user" seat. Well, I was never too much of a user.

Learn about Blockchain

Learn about Blockchain

As I continuously try to learn more about, almost everything, I decided to take an Online Degree in Blockchain offered by Blockchain council. Although the delivery method could be better, and the structure of the training could be simplified, overall it was a positive experience, which helped me understand better basic and advanced Blockchain concepts, as well as some of the crypto currencies.