Me elsewhere
Sometimes I give interviews, or publish case studies or write articles elsewhere.
Here is what I can remember, in reverse chronological order
- In 2023, my article on Third Party Risk Management The Security Blind Spot No One Wants to Discuss was published at ISACA Industry News
- In 2023 I recorded a podcast for NDK Cyber Secure Insights
- In 2020 I participated in Info-Tech''s strategy research on "The first 100 days as CISO"
- In 2018 my opinion on why CISOs not heard by the boards is a bad idea was published on Infosecurity magazine
- In 2018 Kevin Williams and I had a brief interaction which resulted in my opinions on biometrics to be considered
- In 2018 I wrote an article for SpeakUp at Work about the expectation of privacy
- In 2010 the usage of PandoraFMS (open source monitoring solution) in G4S was worth a case study here
- Between 1998 and 2001 I was the editor-in-chief, responsible for the Question and Answers section of the Greek online Magazine and wrote several articles about Linux. They are all in Greek :
- March 2001 Linux Intrusion Detection System
- October 2000 Setting up Linux From Scratch part 2
- October 2000 Setting up Linux From Scratch part 1
- September 2000 Bash tutorial
- July 2000 Interview with Eric S. Raymond on OpenSource
- June 2000 Perl DBI tutorial part 2
- April 2000 Perl DBI tutorial part 1
- October 1999 Setting up RAID
- August 1999 August SGML editor review
- May 1999 KDevelop review
- March 1999: SySV boot process
- July 1998: XISP setup for Greek ISPs
- June 1998: Tutorial for XISP
- April 1998: Second part of StarOffice presentation
- March 1998: First part of StarOffice 4.0 presentation - what later became and LibreOffice
- February 1998: Market situation
- February 1998: SMB configuration